Batman Begins *** (1st Time; big screen)
2005, Nolan, US
Bruce Wayne grows up with the guilt of witnessing his parents' murder, and decides to take the law into his own hands in order to achieve justice in Gotham City.
An exciting revitalisation of the series, with a heavy emphasis on, for once, the hero and not the villains.

Batman Returns ** (3rd Time)
1992, Burton, US
Batman saves Gotham City once again from The Penguin and Catwoman.
Even darker, beautifully designed sequel, with some moments of greatness, but little more.

Metropolis **** (Top 100) (2nd Time)
1926, Lang, Ger
In the year 2000, a saintly girl settles unrest among workers, but an evil replica is created to induce a revolt.
An inspired piece of filmmaking, overwhelming in its visuals and sets, open to much interpretation due to the many layers throughout; agreeably odd, though unquestionable in its ambitious excellence.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?