Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
No way NK has the capability to hit our West Coast. Trump would have had that info all over the UN and the news stations and we would have already attacked.

Trump only knows what he's told.

Anyone who's been paying attention to Trump can clearly make out that he lives in a bubble and is not a true msm news consumer.

The tidbit about NK being able to hit the west coast actually came from the news. I've been following the news for years and I remember this clearly. It was the CIA who supposedly said NK had that ability. Look it up and see.

NK has no desire to hit the United States in an act of aggression. America seeks to aggress against NK because America is concerned about NK's country allies getting its technology.

This is about Israel.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."