A tad off topic, but about 15 yrs ago I was playing around on the internet and discovered the ellisIsland.org site. It was new to me. I put in my father's name (he came as a little boy from Sicily with my grandparents). I was surprised at how many people with that name came up. I was fortunate to have approximate dates of arrivals and narrowed it down and found my dad's ship record, along with both sets of grandparents record. I was just so excited.

Anyway, I ended up finding (took a while) their ship manifest. They came on a ship called "Regina Italia" in 1921 AND the manifest had section asking "How much money this person, my grandfather, had in their possession. It said $25.. uhwhat
Also noted where they were going and had my great grandparents address in MI, so I knew it was the right one.

I made up a little scrapbook of sorts for Christmas that year and gave it to my parents. I purchased picture of the ship, and the manifest and included other "Italian" tidbits, including a map of Italy, where you put in your last name and shows what areas of Italy/Sicily have people of that last name. My dad was really touched and couldn't believe those records from so long ago.

On a side note, every time I see the Godfather II scene with young Vito on the ship going to Ellis Island, and all the faces of the immigrants, I always think that my grandparents must have been scared, excited and oh so brave to come to a NEW land. AND with the powerful Immigrant song playing in the background, gives me the chills.

Thanks for letting me share. smile


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon