I hate to take the side of Baldwin. But I had a friend who is on Broadway leading man. When he was young and got his first lead on Broadway. He was a single guy wannabe actresses were all over him. He had an affair with a women who was also in shows but lied about her age to everyone. Well it turned out her father found out. She lied to her father as well. When the story hit the media he had to go to court. He claimed no contest to escape jail. He was put on a list and people who did not know the story tried to make sure he never worked again. So it entaertaining by singing in clubs, weddings. Years later he got married and had a child and finally made it back to Broadway as a lead actor. He does a lot of charity events. He is still a lead actor but their are still people around trying to destroy the guy for an honest mistake he made years ago. I won't give his name because you never know.

only the unloved hate