Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
Was it your first time watching it, Debz?

I was just blown away by it the first time, and I finally just went out and bought the DVD...it was a gift to my parents for their anniversary, because they seemed to really enjoy the movie, but I think I've gotten more use out of it.

Johnny's great as almost anyone/anything, but yes, he's spectacular as a pirate. Did you know they're supposed to make, I believe, two sequels? I can't wait to see them.
No I've seen it a few times now, but when I did see it first I thoght it was brilliant, there are so many twists and turns!! Keeps you on the edge of your seat right till the very end, thats a sign of a good movie

Yeah the DVD is good and has loads of good special features on it!

Yeah I heard about the sequels, are they not shooting them both at the same time or something like that?? When I was in the Hard Rock Vault in Florida, the tour guide told us that Johnny Depp modelled the character of Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones, and that, Keith has agreed to play the part of Jack's father in the sequel I hope it is as good as the first one
