Originally Posted By: gangstereport


More detail on the airstrike. Looks like Russia have said they are furious with the airstrike.

Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, called it "an act of aggression against a sovereign nation".
Meanwhile, the Russian foreign ministry said it was suspending a deal with the US that was designed to prevent clashes in the skies over Syria as the two countries wage different campaigns.

Amazing that the Americans/West, have investigated and decided that Assad/ Syrian GOVERNMENT ( yes, government. Which it is, not who the west thinks it should be) are responsible for a chemical attack. Took them all of 2 days to investigate and guess what people: ASSAD done it.Who would've thought that eh, USA/West do an unbiased investigation and their proclaimed enemy is responsible.

2 days to investigate a foreign powers actions but the Americans need 2++++ weeks to investigate their own actions when they f**k up and kill 200 in " terrible mistake " in airstrikes on MOSUL HOSPITAL.

Also I see the Mosul airstrike dead casualties amount is going way up.


Propaganda rules:
Overstate casualties from the actions by the enemy. Put truer numbers later when story loses impact

Understate casualties caused by yourself/ allies.

Attack in Sweden, damn that will keep daily mail/right wingers busy typing away for next few days.