Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Originally Posted By: MeyerLansky
Originally Posted By: BennyB
Because they also prefer to stay out of jail I think

So when you are a boss its automaticly go to prison ?
What capos and other positions don't go to jail ?
Or guys prefer to be on the streets and have their own crew to control instead of a all family ??

Ehm yes meyer.Look at the examples:stanfa was the boss and get life,merlino become the boss and 4 y later get 15 y and was lucky to avoid murder charges; Gigante was a reclusive boss and the fed used pete savino to send him to jail.
All the active families prefer that someone hold the title for use him like a lightning rod.
For this reason Crea is the acting boss and not the real boss that give te orders ecc

A capo can go to jail,of course but a capo had less pressure and more opportunities to enjoy his money maybe using a legittime job as cover up or crying misery like castellazzo.

First of all whats upp with castellazo ?? He is still in prison ?
And why dont the top families have an street boss like the chin had ?