Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein

The KKK, Nazi party etc are all illegal organizations (and rightly so) which leads to my point, if you CAN ban groups (for whatever reason) then why not 1% and the mob.

Appreciate the above responses from all. But still confuzzled.

The Mob has always tried to deny its own existence. That kind of went out the window when guys started flipping, but it's made it harder for law enforcement to prove who's a member and who isn't. (I guess that's why under RICO, they call it "racketeering enterprise" rather than being a member or associate of the mob. The 1% bikers get around it by pretending to only a brotherhood of guys who like to ride bikes. The fact that bikers are generally openly patriotic makes people cut them a lot of slack, too. (Maybe just my opinion)

Last edited by Fleming_Ave; 03/31/17 04:03 PM.