Um.... yeah..... hang your hat on is referred to as fake news in that the drive by progressive media is no longer the fourth estate in that it is serving as the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

There is no connection connection between the Russians and trump and the elections.

Zero nada zip....a big nothing burger.

I would refer you to this being previously said by the FBI, NSA and CIA but if you have not heard this already it's pointless.

What your faux indignation should be directed at is the lack of oversight of the above three.

By all means let's investigate Obama regarding what the empty suit knew and when he knew it.

I agree in that the watergate side of this is laid directly at the feet of the democrats. Let the sun shine in upon who leaked to the post,et al. Let we the people look at who ordered what and who authorized same. ? Who in the Obama administration leaked classified information to the press during an election ?

Should you have any questions or require anything further in this regard please do not hesitate to read the comments of Mr. Trey Gowdy.

Post scriptum: Iran/contra is a reach

Last edited by Sauce; 03/27/17 01:53 PM.