Sammy Gravano

Peter Baratta (Gambino) (Uncle of Anthony "Bowat")

Joseph Queli and Michael Coppola (Genovese)

Anthony "Tony Roach" Rampino

Tino Fiumara

John Di Gilio (Genovese)

Thomas Gangi (Brother of Rosario)

Joseph "Joe Campy" Campanaella (Cutolo crew) (government witness)

"Fritzy" Giovanelli at the murder trial of Detective Anthony Venditti

Anthony Spero

William Peist, George Helbig and Joe Corrao

Daniel Capra (Lucchese)

"Sonny" Franzese and fam

Joseph Lombardo yearbook photo

John Castelle (Lucchese Capo) and son

Louis "Bobby" Manna (r)

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.