Originally Posted By: MightyDR
That was a good one. Thanks LuanKuci. I'd be interested in checking out the Maggadino book.

One mobster that doesn't get talked about enough is John C. Montana. Buffalo consigliere who was also a city councilman and nearly a member of congress.

Anecdote about Montana, from Joe Bonanno's book:

"We all boarded the same train for Chicago. In Buffalo, Stefano Magaddino and his right-hand man John Montana and Pete Magaddino, my cousin, also got on the train. Maranzano got off the train to make a phone call. A half hour passed; Maranzano didn’t return. The train was scheduled to leave the station momentarily. It was unthinkable to abandon Maranzano.

Montana got off the train. Montana was an illustrious man in Buffalo. He owned the cab company, and at one time he was the city’s deputy mayor. When he returned to our compartment, Montana told us he had arranged for the train to wait until Maranzano came back. This exhibition of clout impressed us greatly. After Maranzano boarded again and we were on our way, my cousin Stefano beamed with pride.

“See what kind of men I have under me?” Stefano said. “John can stop trains.”