the old " British empire was good cos they built the railways " is still going ,I see.

Some believe negative things about Muslims cos that's all they want to hear.

No one has committed more religious terror than European Christians. Majority of this board live in a country founded on it.

Too many in the 'WEST'((Anglos & french mainly ) never acknowledge their own gov'ts role in Islamic terror. Who supports the Saudis,Qataris ruling families more than the usa,uk gov'ts. The very same countries that have exported intolerant interpretations of Islam. All under the cast iron support of the same western gov'ts that prosecute a bs "war on terror "

A war on terror that seems to only target the more secular Arab regimes;, Iraq ,Libya, Palestine, Syria. All countries ruined thanks to the west (although this reality is not admitted ). Saddam, Gaddafi, Assad were targeted because they didnt do what the west said.

Let's be honest, ISIS are the Syrian "rebels " beloved and armed by the West. If they had stuck to the script and only beheaded Shiites and kurds ,they would still be our 'friends of Syria " but there never was a moderate Syrian Sunni "rebel " group as the west knew all along but still armed and supported.

I've gone way off what i came to post about, the "Westminster terrorist " So many of the terrorist attacks have been committed by ' black' Christian born converts to Islam.
( in UK that is ). I wonder why?

Most of the attacks on western soil have been committed by either converts or western born/raised men. Most were losers with lengthy criminal records. Most jihadis were religious for only a short while.