Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Lol @ Carlo Gambino & Angelo Bruno being the only two whom were supposedly at his "initial making ceremony". In other words, there's absolutely no way to fact check his bullshit story since both parties are long dead. Who the hell does Natale really think he is. He'd literally be the only one in the LCN underworld, whom had his making by two bosses, with two of those bosses being the among the biggest names, in LCN history, if not the biggest. The fact that he even suspects someone to buy that load of shit is quite hilarious.
Isnt there somerule that NO ONE from another family is allowed to a making ceremony?...this guy's a fuckin' trip 2 think he can fool all the ppl all the time but probably only fools some of the ppl some of the time.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...