Originally Posted By: pmac
Wasnt there a espostio made by stanfa and one who was at the induction nicky skins taped them talking about. Lou f said they cutt his finger and blood went everywhere. Pretty crazy theres that much solid infomation about the induction of the philly fam. Could you imagine what joe massino sal vitale and his capos told the feds. They must have identfied 100s guys. Massino said he presided over 50 ceromnys as boss.

That could have been Esposito running with Stanfa, he must have been a you g buck back then . He looks to be in his 40's now. Massino did a hell of a job rebuilding that family. They had some wealthy guys too. Massino had millions in cash and gold bullion stashed on just his house. He also had a shit load of prime realestate