Thanks Pmac , I constantly have to defend myself on here ! I've been on since November and I'm a liar ,I'm this,I'm that, I'm giacomo vacari or whoever else etc etc !! I dunno what the big deal Is, I spent alot of time in prisons and in that shit hole Rulers!! I was with Ronnie , I was with his son So in Washington corr.facilty upstate by for a few months while they had me all over from prison to prison when my classification dropped, I started out in Clinton and was moved 6 times from there to bare hill, adirondack,Wende, mid Orange, Washington and eventually Arthur kill in Staten island, Either from being in the box on 3 occasions or classification being downgraded ! I knew Ronnie since I'm like 5 years old ,It was hilarious, I'm rulers he had guys clipping his nails,toenails on the reg, combing his hair, washing n folding his clothes, Cleaning his cell, Making his bed etc etc, he basically had like 30 guys as HIs personal attendants and had everything from outside food, bottles of vodka, scotch,got meals whatever, It was quite the sight !! I was also w Sammy Galasso before they sent him back to Nassau county! Sammy was the ultimate gentleman, I got to c74 And he gives me anything n everything, new sneakers tons of clothes !great guy, He bought the entire block brand new t-shirts, socks, sweats, sneakers cigarettes forget it ! Another guy I did time with was Ambrose Magliocco out in long island, owns arrow linens,Maggie's on park and a load of alcohol liquor distribution businesses !! But, that was a long time ago !! I stay far away from all that BS nonsense and jokesters !! Who the he'll wants to be a part of that or anywhere near these frauds in today's day n age ??