The thing about Pat the Cat Spirito was that he was straight up not following orders. Whether or not you agree or disagree with the Boss' orders, if you don't carry out the orders then that's a serious problem and against LCN rules. Now, if I were in Scarfo's shoes I would have had a serious conversation with Spirito and reiterated the consequences of not following orders, etc and then if he still was being subversive then he would have to go, but based on what we know he was just stalling on one murder and doing a little drunken trash talking. Still, Scarfo had every right within the guidelines of LCN and in Bruno's time he would have been given a second chance to straighten up and fall in and line and carry out orders, but in Scarfo's regime there were NO second chances.

Salvos Testa I agree should not have been murdered for the reasons he was. He was stupid for doing that to the Underboss' daughter. He did in fact do the right thing and seek Scarfo's permission to end the engagement. I truly believe if Scarfo told him not to break it off then he wouldn't have broken it off. It's also complicated on top of everything because everyone was backstabbing Salvie and telling Scarfo lies about what Salvie was doing. Scarfo isn't in the streets so he's got to take the word of his capos, etc. I still think that Salvie was such an asset to the Family and such a loyal Capo that Scarfo should have really examined it instead of killing him right away though. His so called "infractions" where not enough to kill him and outweighed his ultimate value to the Family, but at the same time based on the lies he was hearing combined with him jilting Chuckie's daughter, it technically was enough to justify a murder contract within LCN rules- I just feel it was a reckless and stupid hit in terms of wasting talent.

Johnny Gongs definitely deserved it. Being a Stanfa supported technically isn't enough to get whacked especially if pledged allegiance to Merlino & Crew after the fact, which other Stanfa loyalists did in fact do (Ron Previte for instance). The reason Gongs should have gotten whacked was his affair with Merlino's wife coupled with disrespecting Merlino in front of his crew while he was in jail in addition to reckless behavior on the streets (shooting up a member's house which I think was Phil Ligambi's house) and openly bragging about and discussing hits in public. He also was reckless by causing problems in bars and clubs (the Chico Barage stabbing and the 10th & O fight), which is the kind of behavior that brings unnecessary and unwanted heat the Family.