Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
I was just watching the lady actresses from Hidden Figures presenting at the Oscars and it got me to thinking, these women are supposed to be proud, black women portraying black historical figures. Why do they use products to lighten their skin tone if they are so proud of their heritage?

Not being a dick when I say this.

Just curious.

I find a lot of black women attractive (Serena etc.)

I don't think people should change who they are to fit in to some twisted, societal norms.
It is because white people shamed them for being a darker tone. It's not their fault. They are a product of their societies wrongdoing and oppression over the years. Jeez, look at what the white folks did to Michael Jackson poor guy. I'm hispanic with darker skin because I work outdoors mainly and I get second glances all the time because I am a dark skinned latino.