Originally Posted By: getthesenets

I get the feeling that the garage spray painting story is a hoax, and that I will be posting an update confirming that in a few weeks. I also feel that the couple will soon post a gofundme page in a round about way to save their house.

I ask this question all the time, don't they sell hd surveillance cameras in the places where these stories happen? If somebody defaced your property once, why not place 2 real and a few dummy cameras around the perimeter of your house?

I agree with you about athletes, though. You hear something from another player....you can Zidane him, or wait until game is over & catch him and confront him in the tunnel or locker room.Settle it right then and there....nobody has to know.

If the $100 a day fine is in the form of a lien, it could make it harder to sell the house, not to mention that a slur painted on a garage is going to make the house less desirable. So it could very well be a hoax designed to keep them in the house longer. But we'll see. If there's no witnesses and no camera footage, there probably won't be any arrests. And people with a house in foreclosure aren't going to spend the money for a security system.

Last edited by Faithful1; 02/24/17 03:15 PM.