Originally Posted By: getthesenets

[quote]An interracial Connecticut couple refuses to cover up a racial slur that was spray painted on their garage door until authorities conduct a thorough investigation – even though the “blight” is costing them a $100-a-day fine.

The N-word was written on the couple’s garage door over the Martin Luther King holiday weekend, but so far, no one has been arrested for the crime.

Heather Lindsay, who is white, said they won’t scrub it off until authorities “do their job” and “not just cover it up and sweep it under the table as they have done in the past.”

The Stamford, Conn., officials have slapped the couple with a blight citation, which carries a $100 daily fine.

Lindsay, 59, said at least three neighbors have shouted the n-word at her husband, Lexene Charles, who is black, and their home has been vandalized several times before.

“That’s why we’re leaving it up,” she told The Post. “Because I’ve had it.”

“This is a racist community,” Lindsay added. “It’s just gotten more and more aggressive.”

NAACP representatives blasted the city’s response at a press conference outside her home on Monday.

“For them to be called n—-r, it must be so hurtful that they can easily just erase the board and suffer within, quietly by themselves, and act like nothing happened,” said Darnell Crosland, legal counsel for the state NAACP, according to the Advocate.

“And in fact, that’s what the Stamford police asked them to do. They were requested to take the sign down… and to just act normal, like nothing happened.”

Stamford authorities say the incident is still under investigation, but they haven’t found any witnesses. Police Chief Jonathan Fontneau said the couple turned down their offer to remove the racial slur for free.

“The neighbors were very upset when the incident occurred and truly felt for the couple,” Jankowski told the Advocate. “However, the residents who have condemned the racial incident are upset and are complaining about continuing to see the racial slur and how it is disturbing the peace in the quiet neighborhood.”

A foreclosure trial on the house is scheduled for early next month.

Neighbors said they’re disgusted by the vandalism, but would like to see the racial slur removed.

“It makes me sick to my stomach,” said Maike Corbett, who lives a few doors down the street. “It’s just so wrong. At the same time, it’s not everybody who did this. To leave it up as a symbol, I’m sorry, that affects everybody

I read this a few times, and this is the first article that mentions that house is about to be foreclosed. A bit skeptical about parts of the story especially in light of some of the fake bias stories out there recently.

if the story was true are we so calm now in the face of it that the black guy can't just catch one of the white guys alone and just fuck him up. I say that because it was something I would do but now I would pay some people to do it for me.

I got people on soccer America The on line soccer paper upset with me.

There was a gay mls player forgot his name he was just an ordinary player. Who felt the need to tell the world he was gay. So an opponent in a game tried to rattle him by taunting him on it. Instead of handling himself in the game or after the game with no witnessses he had to tell the press.

I put in the paper that he was weak for not handling it himself. The readers attacked me for what I said bunch of pussy whipped wash women smile

I stopped posting on it because of that.

only the unloved hate