Originally Posted By: bronx
Hello Moe, the topic was the scarpa's, and this show, not comparing him to other animals like him..we all went over those guys pretty much in depth. greg killed a doctor, hot dog vendor boys a car service driver plus many more that had zero to do with CN.did you know of those murders? linda says he wanted to kill her husband, also jr gotti bullied everyone he felt like especially wise guys, so i have to disagree on that one also. jr does not qualify in any of those others category. not close.and i do not like jr gotti.. it was the libatores that kid that kid i believe. greg killed vinny venus the guy hanging christmas lights .he was only a host in a diner called venus..he was not close to mobbed up..with wild bill.thats all he was. what linda said was true ..she knows her was a monster.
not exactly innocents to say the least. The good Dr. Scholnick you speak of was a baby killer. Not only that he let it be known he was about to drop a dime on Scarpa. The car service guy was supposed to take his daughter to school, not pull over in a park and try to fuck her. Hardly innocent. I don't know of the hot dog vendor. Vincent Fusaro who was associated with the Venus Diner was definitely mobbed up although not a hitter or enforcer he was technically associated with the Orena Faction. Surprised you didn't bring up Allie Boys girlfriend Mary Bari, who I would consider one of the only innnocents of the victims even though she was a mob moll. She didn't deserve what happened to her.