In Allenwood pen you would not be able to get a cell phone you can get cell phones in the lows but not the penns they have penns mediums lows and camps when Ernie was in Allenwood he had no phone use because of his case from lewisburgh the rat from Washington ray ford gave the Feds information that guys were making deals on the phones so if you pick up a phone shot in the Feds during the late 80s late 90s it would have to go to Washington they no longer do that right now he has a phone but back then he did not do you know he turned a life sentence and ended up with 328 months under the old law that is how he got out he also had contracts with the construction company who refused to pay him what they owned him he has big time hanging over his head and he now walks with a cane I do not need to look for newspapers to write I could tell you 15 guys that were in Allenwood penn back then