Originally Posted By: getthesenets

I'll keep in mind that you publicly stated that you voted for Trump "to piss off liberals". Not to serve or protect your personal interests, and not because you felt he was the more qualified candidate.Not even because he was better choice than the other candidates. "To make liberals angry"

How can I have a serious discussion about politics with a person who would think or publicly write that?

I agree with you right to disagree. That being said, I never said that was my only reason I voted for Trump. It was just my main reason. And I think it is important to realize why I said that. America is a very tolerant country. And this has nothing to do with race. We tolerate gays or atheists or devil worshipers etc. But when you start to take advantage of that tolerance and start shoving it into our faces, we will bite back. We still have a voice and we are still a force to be reckoned with. Clinton, the celebrities, and all the media, the polls overlooked that fact. So Trump, mainly was a reminder. We will tolerate and have compassion with many views and many diversities. But don't try to force views or ways of life upon us and say we "have to agree" or we are bigots or homophobes or racists. We respect peoples right to disagree with us, they should respect our right to disagree with him. As long as both sides are tolerant, we are all good. When the left stopped doing that, they crossed the line. That's the main reason WHY Trump is OUR President. But the left didn't learn their lesson, they doubled down on forcing their views upon us. We'll see how that works out.