Why did Kay leave the children in the unholy and evil environment

How was it that Kay was happy to enjoy the spoils of the unholy and evil Sicilian thing for five years, the time frame for legitimacy

Kay tells Michael he was 'blind' but seems Kay was 'blind' too

However Kay wanted to undermine Michael, whatever Kay's motive was – a mother leaving their children in the unholy and evil environment, with the unholy and evil father, with nothing absolutely nothing of her grievous concerns addressed / rectified, in my opinion is unholy and evil itself on Kay's part

It seems to me, Kay wanted out of her 'abortion' of a marriage at any cost even without her children, just abandoning them with the unholy and evil father – what a selfish hypocrite!

As a matter of interest wonder what effort Kay made regarding
1. the 'abortion' of Michael and her marriage
2. feeling no love for Michael
3. what's happened to Michael and her
4. what's happened to 'not fine' Anthony
5. Anthony's friends are Michael's buttonmen