Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121

Good. He deserves everything he gets over killing Rich over greed and indirectly causing his sons death.

I listened to the direct interview they did with Alpo years ago where he confessed to everything. I've listened to a few Azie interviews and I believe that Richard was in fact taking advantage of Alpo in terms of what he was charging him for the coke.

Whether or not that warrants Po killing him over that is for others to decide, but it was a legitimate gripe. In the crack era, people got shot for stepping on somebody's shoe and not saying sorry......so somebody getting over on you for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Rich's uncle was involved in the kidnapping of Donnell Porter, so I don't think Preacher's crew had any intention of releasing him alive. Gonna look up the article about Donnell's death to see if they listed forensic evidence after they found the body. The way the story is told, the boy's body was dumped in same area they found Rich's body a few weeks later. Kidnappers knew they wouldn't get ransom anymore, so they tried to pin the death of Donnell on whoever killed Rich.