Originally Posted By: yatescj7
Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Doesn't (or didn't, pending the legal battle) Trumps executive order prevent American Permanent Residents and those holding dual citizenship(of the listed countries) from re-entering what is technically "their country".

We would presume that the vetting process happened before these people were issued green cards or granted American citizenship. On what basis, other because he can, does POTUS prevent our people from returning to their homes?

Good correction about Arabs. I know a few Persians. No Iranians though, since 1980 NOBODY I've ever met from there says Iranian, they always say Persian. My experiences have been with actual Arabs. And while there are Coptic Christians and people of other faiths in those lands....most Arabs are Muslims(unless I'm mistaken) and 95% of the experiences have been negative.
Those misguided Arabicized Africans in Sudan who waged war on people who looked just like them in the name of Shariah law can all take a flying leap. Ethnic and political conflict runs rampant across that continent and those fools adding another element to the mix...can take a long walk off a short pier.

I'm going to assume that the countries listed are also among the most poor and unstable in the "Muslim" world. Turbulent places are usually the ones that produce the most immigrants. I can trace my family's departure from Haiti to just before things got bad (my Dad had foresight) and I'm sure most people on this board are in America because bad conditions compelled their great great.etc.etc grand dads to leave home and forge a better way.
The countries not on the list, are just not producing the exodus of people that these more volatile places do. Saudi Arabia ALWAYS seems exempt from these "lists" even though I've read articles linking nationals to funding terrorism.

95 percent of your experiences with Arabs have been negative? How many experience with white Americans been negative by contrasts to Arabs? And finally how many experiences have been negative with blacks, and finally Asians. Just looking for a contrast of comparison here.

My experiences with muslems have been pretty good. I have not had any problems with them.

However yesterday my son called me just to shoot the breeze. He caught a muslem he knows walking out of his building with a bicycle tire from his bike. He told him while he was talking to me that he knows that his from his bike. I told him get him alone and fuck him up.

He told me he knows what to do with him. If that was me I would have fucked him up right then and there when I was his age. So he learned to wait and get him later from me.

only the unloved hate