Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Racist piece of shit should get the death penalty...like tomorrow.

He said he hated the white neighborhood...

and of course the mother is saying her son is a good person who needs mental help..here comes the insanity plea


Here is the article you're referring to Blackjack:

"The confessed killer of Queens jogger Karina Vetrano told detectives he hated the victim’s predominantly white neighborhood of Howard Beach, leading cops to believe race played a role in the murder, sources told The Post.

“I don’t like those people over there,” said Chanel Lewis, 20, who is black and split time between homes in the largely impoverished neighborhoods of East New York and Brownsville, according to sources.

Lewis made the statement to a black detective when asked why he killed Vetrano, whose body was found strangled in Spring Creek Park."
