Originally Posted By: southend
Yesterday (Tues. Feb. 7/17) Back & Biceps

Wide grip Pulldown - 4 sets / 10-12
Neutral grip Pulldown - 3 sets / 10-12
Deadlifts - 5 sets/12,10,10,8,12
Dumbbell Row - 3 sets/10-12
Seated Cable Row w/Neutral grip - 4 sets/10-12
Barbell curl - 3 sets/10-12
Preacher curl w/dumbbell, one arm at a time - 3 sets/10-15
Cable curl w/straight bar attachment - 3 sets/10-14

sore as hell today after taking 2 or 3 weeks off from deadlifting. Remember plenty of water and food will assist in faster recovery time for your sore muscles. Also drinking enough water in the hours leading up to your workout will give a much greater pump during your workout and help your muscles endure those intense sets without cramping up

Hi, do you think that bench press is the best exrecise for chest and triceps ? I heard once (i think) that bench press is really good for the triceps and not only the chest.