Blonde, the X Men series is great for games like this, wide range of actors. I remember Quicksilver because I'm an old school comic book fan and hated how they translated his character to film.
Speaking of X Men,you will kick yourself about Beast...there's only one scene that anybody remembers him for in the series....

SPOILER for those who haven't seen X Men, The Last Stand

It's when he exchanges dialogue with the leader of the bad guys after he sticks him with the mutant antidote needle.

Magneto "I'm...I'm?"
Beast "One of them

I'm gonna go a different route , though

Kelsey Grammer and Rob Schneider in Down Periscope (Naked Gun type of film though not funny at all)

Schneider and Chris Rock in Grownups

Rock and Tommy(Pesci) in Lethal Weapon 4

James Spader