Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

You have one of the most thorough analysis on politics with barely any bias in your opinion ( Not to overlook nor downplay the other senior members with the same balance view, Nod to them as well). What will be your slogan for 2020 Presidency? cool

Is it necessary for our country to be a superpower?

Ha ha, thank you sir. I don't think someone with my views is electable. This country is too partisan and -- hate to say it (but it's true) -- ignorant. Too many people only look at the short term "What's it gonna do for me?" instead of the long term "How can we help the most people, and even better, help the most people HELP THEMSELVES?"

I think Americans need to realize that we're part of the world, and we're all human beings. We also need to focus on improving things here at home instead of being the world's policeman. Change the focus of NATO to be against unjust wars and terrorism, and work on getting China and Russia into the program. Yes, I do believe we need to fight groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda because they are a threat to all of us. This is what ISIS-allied Boko Haram did in one village: https://mahustlerszone.wordpress.com/tag/boko-haram/
I can't look at that and not cry a little inside. This is pure evil.

We also have to realize that this country is screwed up, big time. Our national debt is almost $20 TRILLION, and most of it is owned to ourselves. If we were to default on it, it would create a worldwide depression. So we have to be creative about cutting federal spending and getting the biggest bang for our buck. So we need to cut spending on unnecessary things first. We are going to have to trim our military, so we'd better be at peace with the rest of the world. We need to get rid of federal funding for the arts; let the artistic world fund themselves. Same with public television and radio. It costs a lot of money to monitor national parks, so return them to Native Americans. I would increase so-called sin taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, and decriminalize marijuana, but tax it for non-medical use. Since they adversely affect health and the environment, I would tax junk food, meat, dairy, sugar and oils. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs and some other items would be untaxable.

Might have to cut foreign aid, but would have to do it in a smart way. Anyway, foreign aid can create dependency. We would still count Israel, Egypt (under President Sisi) and India among our top allies. Would encourage the growth of non-Islamist non-tyrannical governments everywhere that fight corruption, help the poorest to get on their feet, and promote economies that promote education, non-violence and civility.

For crime and justice, I would get all the states on board with coming down hard on violent criminals. Schools would be required to either suspend or expel violent students, depending on the severity. Parents would be required to agree to help teach anti-violence and anti-bullying to their kids, and would be taught how. School choice would be brought in, especially to poorer and high-crime/low opportunity areas. Would create local neighborhood watches that would be deputized and armed, and use the help of local churches and community organizations. Gangs can be given the choice of turning into clubs that help keep the peace, or face an expanded use of the RICO Act to put them away for a long time. AFTER the crime rate has gone down, we would create low tax zones for small businesses to start up and make new jobs. Would require status checks to verify that only people here legally would get those jobs and not undercut and take away opportunities from local citizens.

Police would be given new training which would include the use of online demonstration videos so local agencies could access and watch when they have time. Would bring in British trainers to show how to take down people with less risk. The goal would be to have a big drop in police-caused death and injury. They'd also get training on how to deal with the mentally ill. Politeness training would be included. I don't want them to only be told what NOT to do, but to be shown what they should do instead. Training would be given in a way to boost morale, and at the same time make EVERYONE safer.

I'd also bring together the best thinkers in the country to figure out a cost-effective way of insuring all poor and middle-class citizens.

Would get rid of the federal minimum wage and encourage the growth of something we used to have, but rarely have anymore, and that's apprenticeships and on-the-job training. Most jobs require experienced people, so there's fewer opportunities for those without experience. Instead of paying a vocational school for training to get a job (with no guarantee that person will get one), get the job first and get trained. Schools would be required to teach job skills too, so students can be prepared. I'd also require logical thinking classes AND the Ten Commandments. Students would be required to learn the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Students would be encouraged, if they want to go to college, to choose degrees with a greater probability of future reward, such as STEM and business. Would have outreach that focuses on African Americans and Native Americans, and focus on underperforming schools to make them better (and not by throwing money at them, but by changing the curricula for the better). Those schools would have to be audited to find out why they are underperforming, instead of lowering standards as they often do now.

I would do a reverse triage on America, helping the worse off first, but help them in a way that's like teaching a man to fish (from the Chinese proverb: “You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime"). Historically, those who are the worse off are Native Americans and African Americans. I'd use guilt and pressure to get Hollywood involved too.

College and university campuses that get federal aid would be required to encourage free speech and freedom of association, even if it's with groups or individuals they don't like. Students who attack others as part of their protests need to get expelled and jailed. Student fascists who think they can bully those with whom they don't agree will learn that kind of behavior is no longer acceptable. Instructors need to teach students to either debate, converse with or ignore those who don't share their values, and that shouting down, blocking, vandalizing and assaulting will be punished. They're going to have learn civility, which should have already been taught starting in kindergarten.

That's my rant, and if you want to turn that into a slogan, be my guest.