Originally Posted By: satch7
Originally Posted By: yatescj7
Chicago could be cleaned up the same way Giuliani did New York. First, put in quality of life policing, etc. Then, the media and people need to show the same outrage and attention when a black man kills another black man as when they do when a white cop kills a black man.That is a start anyways. Chicago is a liberal city though, always has been. Filled with corruption. Put a good strong conservative in there then shit will change. Hell elect Giuliani mayor if nothing else for Christ sake.

The cops are not supposed to be lying killers. They are not supposed to be another gang to watch out for.nothing will change with a conservative that is bs.because if he does not attract jobs or allot money for training nothing will change. let's see if the GOP put out money for school; i say no they are too busy trying to do S for rich folks already.
Thank for the news flash. Tell me this, who are supposed to be lying killers? I would say nobody, but lying killers are lying killers. What is a lying killer by the way? Someone who is lying down in the kitchen and kills you when you get home? Or is it someone who says they won't kill you and then shoots you in the head. You're showing your intelligence by your posts, and if I may say so it looks like Harambe has you beat by 20 points right now.