Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
I was curious on how many white Mississippians relocated to Chicago as well. I would imagine the C-Notes or another White mob under the 5 getting bigger here instead of the LKs for white inmates. Simon City Royals are just biggest group for whites right now and man are they here and there.
Matter of fact, There's a Royal tag in the Movie theater in Columbus and another in the bathroom at a gas station off 45 n Wikin Wise road.

A lot of white Mississippians relocated to Chicago back in the day. Enough that they called the neighborhood where my grandparents lived "Little Mississippi". My grandmother said she used to look out here window at night and see the mobsters socializing into the wee morning hours. She said they lived on Roosevelt Road in Cicero. They left Chicago in 1960, but many kept going to Chicago for work well into the mid to late 70s.