
Just to make it clear so there's no misunderstanding, I'm not defending Trump's policies, I'm only trying to accurately represent what they are and to compare and contrast the current hysteria with the media's sycophantic behavior toward presidents they like. I guarantee you that if President Obama made exactly the same decision there would be only a small mention by the media in contrast to the uproar Trump gets for everything he says and does.

The basis for Trump's executive order is that the ban is toward countries that have an unstable government or the government itself has used terrorism against Americans. If it was a "Muslim ban" as you wrote, then Saudi Arabia would have been included. You disproved your own assertion. Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Morocco, etc. don't have bans despite them being Muslim countries. Therefore it's not a Muslim ban. Secondly, the ban is only for 90 days, and 120 days for Syrians.

Do I think it will help ISIS? Not really. ISIS will grab onto anything it gets for propaganda purposes. In one ad it used Bill Clinton's adulterous history for propaganda and labeled him a fornicator.

What I would like to see in the future is a coalition of the USA with Russia, China, India, Europe, Canada, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Japan, etc. against Islamic terrorist groups. I know it's a dream, but I think it's possible.