Originally Posted By: gangstereport

its called common sense oak and I actually agree with you on Trump he is a fucking idiot out of his depth but the hacking thing I disagree on. Then again I still don't get how you guys in the US allowed him or Clinton to win the party nomination should have been sanders vs Rubio.

I think Sanders would have won and probably been a decent president but that's just my own opinion

The U.S. allowed Trump and Clinton to run because that's who it works in a free society. People can vote and choose the candidates they like, even if those candidates might not be the best.

Clinton got the nomination because many in her party believed it was her time, and she was pushed and promoted by the DNC over Sanders, who they thought was too radical.

Trump won because he's a well-known celebrity who comes off like a business man who can make tough decisions, and is a fighter who won't give in to opponents.

I agree with you that neither one was the best candidate, but you couldn't vote since you're not an American citizen, and the majority overruled my vote.

As for the temporary immigration ban, he's not the first one to do it. Obama had a ban against Iraqis in 2011, but the press ignored it. The effect on the H1-B visas is not an unintended consequence, but something Trump had planned. When he was campaigning he heard a lot of complaints from laid off employees from tech firms who were replaced by foreign workers so that the companies could increase their profits. It sounds exactly like something Bernie Sanders would do.