Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Louisiana's fixed the problem of police abuses by making resisting arrest a felony hate crime. Good thing the police never falsely accuse a suspect of resisting arrest.



Seeing some of these videos of sadistic cops, I think they need to revamp their training techniques. These takedowns don't look like they are done by trained professionals at all.

Even if I am a fully compliant citizen, my body will tense up and react to trauma. Five men yelling and punching somebody is not gonna lead to a person just going limp. We have natural survival instincts that won't allow us to just take assbeatings.

I've gotten jumped before. We attended a magnet high school that wasn't anywhere near where we lived and my buddies and I would take the occasional L from local guys. The thing is, after a certain point we just weren't going for it anymore and were ready for whatever.4 of us were going to take on 10 grown men one time..we had to draw that line in the sand.

This is the direction that law enforcement is pushing people.
My dad was a very law and order type guy and I was raised to respect authority, but enough with this bullshit.