Well it depends on how much a person wants to stretch their definition of "in the life"; in which case Joseph Corozzo's kid is in the life, Barney Bellomo's daughter is in the life, Joe Massino's wife was in the life, biker gangs and mid-level street dealers are in the life.

I thought "in the life" meant this thing of ours i.e. cosa nostra, but then I am not a simple-minded moron.

T. Barry Goas, a deputy attorney general, said Mr. Virgilio, who had been convicted of murder, paid Judge Helfant $12,500 to bribe the judge scheduled to sentence him. The bribe was never paid and Mr. Virgilio was sentenced to 12 1/2 to 15 years in prison.

''There was no quid pro quo,'' Mr. Goas said. Judge Helfant, who was on trial on charges of obstructing justice in an unrelated matter, was shot to death in a restaurant in Somers Point.

Mr. Edwards withheld the name of the sentencing judge because, he said, there was no evidence he was aware of the bribe transaction.


I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.