Originally Posted By: FriendoftheFamily
Originally Posted By: yatescj7
Originally Posted By: FriendoftheFamily
Well Michael tells a little different story about Sonny and his biological father than what seems to be said in the various preceding Posts.

I will try to remember the exact thing he said about a month ago and I will post it.

Michael says exactly what I have said in the preceding post. I have it in my files. Thought Sonny was his dad, thought Sonny adopted him, realized Sonny is his actual biological father. That sums it up

Although I can't remember exactly what he said a month ago right now - I offer you this to start with from his book "From Godfather to GOD the Father". Page 21 of the Family Section this paragraph in part:

"And, as young as she was, Mom had also been married before. At sixteen, she hooked up with a handsome young soldier named Louis Grillo, and their teenage love affair, although it barely survived a year, had produced none other than yours truely-me. I was Louis Grillo's son by birth, but as far back as I can remember, Sonny Franzese accepted me as his own. He was, therefore, the only dad I ever really knew."

I will try to come up with more later and see what your research came up with and when. It doesn't mean that he didn't say it differently at different times. Lots of stories change over time.

Also that same partial paragraph with only a word or two changed is stated in his 1991 writing of the Blood Covenant on Page 34 of the Old Life section 7.

That is exactly correct, he thought Grillo( I thought his first name was Frankie Grillo, but it may have been Louis)was his father and Sonny was his stepdad for a long time. Only after his exodus from the mob (or during) did he find out Sonny was actually his biological father. He didn't say how he knew, but I am guessing they did a DNA test.

It was a lie both Sonny and Tina told to save face. Sonny was married when he knocked her up and she was pregnant out of wedlock and she married Grillo and said Michael was his. Sonny, not long after, got divorced and "adopted" Michael, but Michael was his. They did all of it too keep up appearances. I will look in my files and give you the sources probably around Wednesday or Thursday. The source is Mikey Franzese in an interview, but I will have to find the interviewer and the year. Might have been a European Newspaper. Maybe in the U.K.

Last edited by yatescj7; 01/09/17 03:13 AM.