Originally Posted By: satch7

when you have ignorant conservative folks who twist islam, that is when you see the religious based atrocities in the middle east. I have worked in Saudi and Kuwait on nonmilitary jobs for 4.5 yrs.if the family of the murder victim or shopkeeper forgive the person there will be no penalties. let me tell you something the ignorant religious conservatives here and the middle east are very close in their world outlook though, both groups suck

Originally Posted By: satch7

when you have ignorant conservative folks who twist islam, that is when you see the religious based atrocities in the middle east. I have worked in Saudi and Kuwait on nonmilitary jobs for 4.5 yrs.if the family of the murder victim or shopkeeper forgive the person there will be no penalties. let me tell you something the ignorant religious conservatives here and the middle east are very close in their world outlook though, both groups suck

twist islam? umm pretty out there in the open those muslims rammed planes into NYC and drive semis into a crowded christmas festival, so there is no twisting there, those ppl who worship that religion are fkd up and want all westerners to