Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Originally Posted By: dinocrocetti
Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

Both of your options are extreme and cruel punishments. The projects in Chicago are already demolished & renovated. Napalm and you be killing more innocents than criminals. Punish one then punish all who's involved in contributing to homicides which also includes Latinos & Whites.

any race, ethnicity, religious group who commits an atrocity should die the same way. It's called lex talionis, latin for an eye for an eye. innocent casualties are a part of a reform. Sad but true.

If you or your loved ones were to be the casualties of this reform would you still feel this way?

my family doesn't live in a zoo and if they did i could assure you that id get them out of there. so sad that these animals are committing these atrocities in their own neighborhoods. no fucking class to say the least. cracked out muthafuckas collecting benefits on my tax dollars. i hope trump sends them packing on a fucking boat or let them rub themselves out. personally, if you collecting govenrment benefits, the courts should mandate that these low lifes have their tubes tied or been neutered. isn't one generation of leeches enough? no, dese bitches keep getting pregnant and collecting mo. sad but true.

Last edited by dinocrocetti; 01/06/17 01:05 PM.