And not for nothing, Joseph Baldino, has been suspected for a couple of years to be under Johnny Chang. An incident was reported on this very forum a while ago, by one of the Philly posters, how reliable he was, looking back on it, I dont know. But Johnny Garbs & Johnny Chang were supposedly in the same club together, or it may have been just Baldino, and I believe it was Garbs who came in with a bunch of 10th & O guys, and people thought the situation would escalate. Chang supposedly had left earlier in the evening. Later on some supposed meeting was claimed to have happened at some diner between Johnny Chang & Joey Baldino and Narducci & Garbs that reportedly went nowhere. That incident if they really happened, points to Baldino being Johnny Changs responsibility.

As reported in recent ganglands, during UC operation conducted by an UC agent with the help of John "JR" Rubeo, which led to the arraignments of Patsy Parello, Joey Merlino & O'nofrio, Merlino was recorded as stating that Lancelotti was his "main man in Philadelphia", considering that, that could mean more than one thing, but because of such statement, I wouldn't find it so unbelievable that Merlino's cousin Anthony Accardo would be under Lancelotti. Accardo popped up in a recent photo with Merlino and some other guys in a little huddle talking on the street, looking real bodyguard-ish. That may point to Accardo being made, as claimed in the past, and somewhat active. Same goes for Dom Grande, consider this, him and Lancelotti were the only two Philly LCN guys who attended the party at Rigoletto's in NY. Thee only two. I don't know about the last two, and Lance's brother may very well be under him as well. But considering the above the Lancelotti part may not be as inaccurate as some may think.