Mr. Williams,

I'm not an expert or anything, but I think most Blacks from English/Dutch former slave colonies have mostly African blood. Negligible amounts of Euro or Indigenous blood here or there , but 95% or higher from the various African tribes from West Africa.

Blacks from Spanish/Brazilian colonies will tend to have more "mixed" blood because race mixing was the rule rather than the exception in those places.Applies to some of the French former colonies also(which includes Louisiana)
Haiti is the exception, there is a minority of mixed race people but majority of island is mostly African.

Now, I've joked on here with some buddies, and ANY Black person living in America enjoys good laughs from the Black people who will.....without being asked....tell you about this or that White or Native American branch of family tree. Like it's a badge of honor. smile Almost without exception, these are the same people who will RUN from any connection with Africa. Will brag about a famous plantation owner who violated their great grandmother, but punch you in the face if you mention the word Africa.

But seriously, most of the race mixing that's occurred in this country has happened over the past 50 years..As it was against the law to be an inter-racial married couple in parts of America until then. There are trace amounts of White and Native blood overall, you can see it in some of the physical features of Black folks here, but mostly African blood.