After 166 votes (38% of the expected total):

Bagwell 92% (72% in last year's vote)
Raines 91% (70%)
Rodriguez 84%
Guerrero 76%

Hoffman 73% (67%)
Bonds 69% (44%)
Martinez 69% (43%)
Clemens 69% (45%)
Mussina 61% (43%)
Schilling 53% (52%)
Ramirez 28%
Smith 28% (34%)
Walker 25% (16%)
McGriff 15% (21%)
Sheffield 13% (12%)
Kent 13% (17%)
Wagner 12% (11%)
Sosa 11% (7%)

Posada 4.8%

The deadline to vote was December 31. Selections will be announced on January 18.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."