Originally Posted By: dominic_calabrese
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
DiLeonardo seemed like a guy who was done and didnt envy or wish to go back to the mob life in that Trevor McDonald doc. Looks like the WitSec Mafia is a real thing.

I didn't have the impression that they were hatching a criminal enterprise! I think they were merely talking about the good old days and enjoying some comaraderie ----> it must be very isolating to leave the mafia, losing all the old friends, denounced by family, etcetera ----> so I think they were just happy to reminisce

however, Sal Romano's brother Mario Romano does appear to be involved in a massive pyramid scheme, still operational = http://wealthgenerators.com/leadership/

Nah, I know that. Its just interesting to me that these guys really do interact with each other at times, like they're still a crew and reminisce about what they used to be and still act like they're made guys, minus the illegal rackets. And like I said before, DiLeonardo gave the impression that he hated the life for what it did to his brother and all and simply had no desire to relive that part of his life. But really, he would probably like nothing more than to go back.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 01/02/17 01:36 PM.