You're right that Rabin was assassinated for the Oslo Accords, but his assassin was tried and sent to prison, where he currently rots. When Palestinians commit an act of terrorism it's not unusual for the government to pay off their families or to even have a street named after them. The Israeli government and media don't teach Israelis to murder Palestinians, but the Palestinian states have TV programs that teach young children to stab Jews and hate them. There's a different mentality.

As for aid, it's hard to say. Maybe we shouldn't give any country foreign aid. It has to be looked at in a case-by-case basis and in context. Israel is advanced, but can it fully function without aid? I don't know. But the U.S. can't be supporting Israel's enemies and then cutting it off. Not unless we want another Holocaust.

As for BDS, I respectfully disagree. Maybe not every supporter of the movement is anti-Semitic, but that doesn't mean that BDS in itself is not. It was founded and sponsored by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, and its ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel. BDS defames and slanders Israel by calling it "racist" and "apartheid," and puts all the blame for the conflict on Israel while turning Palestinians into victims. It's worse than a hypocritical double-standard. It's the only Jewish state in the world, in contrast to over twenty different Muslim states. Moreover, Palestinians already have a Palestinian state called Jordan.

What about its support by people of Jewish descent? For the most part, they are on the political Far Left and religion plays no role in their lives. They are secular. I'm not going to claim that they are "self-hating Jews," just that they have a mindset that has more in common with some form of radicalism, like Marxism, than having a belief in God. BDS shares a belief in anti-colonialism that Marxists have, although Islam is by nature colonialist.

Here is a statement from the BDS website: The BDS movement aims to pressure Israel to respect international law by:

1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall. International law recognises the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Gaza and the Syrian Golan Heights as occupied by Israel.

BDS also doesn't take into account that Israeli actions, like the blockade, are REACTIONS to Palestinian violence. BDS fails to mention that Israel has tried to negotiate with the West Bank, but its leader refused to participate. In Gaza the leaders call for the end of Israel as a state and the death of all Jews. Syria lost the Golan Heights in the 1967 war when it attacked Israel, but Israel was willing to return it in exchange for a peace agreement. In 1973 Syria tried to retake it by military force and failed, yet Israel agreed to return 5% of the territory to Syrian civilian control. All of Israel is visible from the Golan Heights, so it is of strategic importance. Syria or Hezbollah could use it as a launching pad to fire off missiles to cause massive destruction and loss of life. Does the BDS care about any of these historical facts? No.

Maybe, just maybe, if the Palestinians and their supporters stopped attacking and killing Israelis and cooperated and had an interest in peace there wouldn't be a problem. To paraphrase someone I respect, if all the Palestinians laid down their arms and chose peace, there would be peace and an end to the conflict. If all Israelis laid down their arms and chose peace, there'd be a lot of dead Israelis.