Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Funding the state of Israel has been more contentious lately because of the influence of the BDS movement. The premise of the BDS movement is that Israel has been stealing land, which is totally false. It ignores the facts and history.

In my opinion, the entire BDS movement is predicated on hatred for Jews. It is very thinly cloaked. To try to make a historical argument presupposes the people you are arguing with have any interest in facts.

I get a good chuckle out of those who argue against funding for Israel, when we give billions of dollars to Arab countries that outwardly speak in favor of our destruction. Of course, you will never hear any of these same people complain about our giving money to terror-sponsoring regimes.

I have a proposal, let's stop giving money to these arab countries, de-fund the UN, and spend the money on our veterans.

Last edited by fatdomgamiello36; 12/30/16 10:29 PM.