I'm looking forward to it as well

Also in regards to your pm;

I just recently saw it, my bad for not getting back to you. The guy I know, I know more about HIM and what he's into, we've only had brief discussions about " The Old Days"... But if I can add anything or give any help, I'll pm you...

@ BlackFam

There was a recent article in the paper about the GDs vs MCs war you referred to in the, fuck, what thread was it? Marcelo, no New Orleans?
(Back to the Outfit)


That's going to be a great read. In the Strength of the Wolf, they break down the Chicago/Mafia drug trade all the way back to like the 40s n 50s, says every Alderman, top cops got a piece. Judges paid off, it's no wonder no one went to jail. Contrast with say 2/3s of the Luchesses taking narcotics pinches to n the 50s-60s....