Goodbye Lenin- Actually a very good film. It had it moments, but overall it had a good story to tell and was not the same bland crap that seems to be chasing me around lately
The Petrified Forest- Not a gangster movie in the least, but a great watch nonetheless.Odd in that the ending is given away lesss than a third of the way through it, but director Archie Mayo makes it work
Jeramiah Johnson-My fathers favorite film, and probably as average, if that, as a film can get. I really dont see what the point of this movie was. It only exists to chronical the wanderings of a mountain man and the strange charcters he meets, all of which are insanely underdeveloped. With all the hype that surrounds Redford, I was expecting at least some acting, yet was very dissappointed when his lines(all 12 of them) were spit of mechanically. This so far is the only Redford film Ive seen, and I'm hoping that the others are better.

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.