Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Bravo, Yates. That was an entertaining melt down.

I typically don't respond directly to your arguments because they're best left ignored, but I will respond to one.

Donald Trump will NEVER be my president.

You live in the U.S. after January 20th he is your President no matter what you say. See I didn't like Obama. But he is my President and has been since 09. That is the difference between us. I can say it, I can accept things that don't go my way. Liberals just cant stand a difference of opinions. Which worked out well for me. LOL. Now say it. MY President Trump. Come January 20th if you live in the U.S. I want you to watch him take that oath and say, "That's MY new President Donald J. Trump" if your balls have dropped by then. If you're not living in the U.S. that cold January day then good look in your new country Canada or Greece. Trust and believe me when I say this, Nobody in the U.S. will care or miss you or any other of the deadbeats. Good Riddance and thank you for OUR new President.