Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

You notice in the article they wouldn't even mention Andrew McClinton is a black guy. I'm surprised they mentioned Donald donated money to help with the rebuild. It's a shame this had to happen, but I know Trump supporters didn't burn a church for 3 reasons. #1. why would we be mad enough to burn a church and spray paint "Vote Trump" on it, what would it accomplish? We're not dumb like Hillary supporters #2 We are law abiding citizens, we wouldn't burn churches and #3. We are too busy at our jobs to have time for protests and arson.

What that article also didn't state was that the congregation of the all black church that was burned was welcomed at an all white church in Greeneville while they rebuilt their church. See the media focuses on negative things. They want to keep everything racial, especially in Mississippi. That is why they won't say that the all white church welcomed them with open arms after a black member of their church spray painted "Vote Trump" on their church then burned it down.

Last edited by yatescj7; 12/23/16 02:10 AM.