Nice post....

The Mary Ferrell documents confirm it was Catena that had the final word in the family. One poster, I forget who, had a very interesting hypothesis. He said that Vito set up the ruling structure, kinda like a retroactive rebuke to Costello and Luciano, for putting Costello ahead of him. He had Eboli acting boss, but still answerable to the OFFICIAL underboss, Catena. Like he felt he should have been, when he came back from Italy, I guess.

I read an interesting quote from Vito Genovese once, I forget where, he said, (this was in the thirties I think...) " There are four guys who run Manhattan, Lucky Luciano, me, Dutch Schultz and Mike Miranda". At LaStella, maybe it was the most powerful guy in Manhattan, Miranda, the most powerful in Brooklyn, Gambino, with Colombo as Gambinos proxy vote, representing a quorum for the NY representation for the Commision. So even though Miranda was very powerful, Gambino maybe still had him outvoted. It would make since, some historians have speculated that the sit down was partially to figure out what would happen to Luchesses empire. That would have been a VERY key vote at the time, whoever could control that vote likely woulda been in control of New York.

(The Gambinos had the Bonnanos in disarray, still controlled the Philly vote, I think Patriarca was a Genovese loyalist, so these two votes were important. I think the New Orleans problems more affected Trafficante, and kinda by extension because of their ties to narcotics, the Luchesses, maybe they had some interest intwined? Almost seems like the NO problems were a battle ground to see who had the most juice at the table, but the cops broke it up too quick)

Edit: The main reason I think this, is in the Mary Ferrell documents, Eboli talks of how Gambino and Luchesse conspired to keep Miranda out of the loop in regards to Commision business. Yet Luchesse gets terminal cancer, and here is Miranda at LaStella, CHAIRING a Commision meeting....

I agree with you point on not just Genovese, but a lot of guys don't seem to respect Bonnano or Profaci either, who were MAJOR powers in their own right. Bonnano was I think YOUNGER than Luciano as boss even.

A couple questions.....

1. What do you think of that Sandino Pandolfo? Consigliere? I can't see it....

2. Why no administrative position for Adonis? Doesn't it seem wierd Morretti got it over Adonis AND Genovese?

3. Who was Costellos consigliere? WAS it this Pandolfo?

( okay, three questions, lol)

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 12/12/16 02:32 AM.