Eboli was acting for Genovese, so he really was acting boss. And there's some real circumstantial evidence supporting Carlo with other members of the Genovese administration being behind Tommy Ryans death. Guys answered to Eboli simply because he had Vito's ear and for a while into Genovese drug sentence, there was a belief that he'd be getting out and would be retaking the reigns, this was in '62-63. So at this point it was between Tommy Ryan & Gerry Catena whom was acting boss but whomever it was acted on a panel along with Mike Miranda, and the other person (Catena/Ryan). According to a chart, Catena was acting boss first, and then Tommy Ryan is actually made acting boss after him, either by Catena or Genovese himself. Anyway, at this point Ryan, Catena, Gyp De Carlo, Pete De Feo & Anthony Russo were loyal to Vito, while Richie Boiardo, Mike Miranda, Antonio "Tony The Sheik" Carillo and maybe Lombardo weren't. At some point Carlo Gambino is said to have stepped in some where and sided with Miranda & Lombardo. Idk though, I think the primary reason was a conspiracy within the Genovese. In '63, an informant has Gene Catena, Jerry's brother, reporting to Tommy Ryan about a beef involving Tony Pro & a Pete De Carlo, so seems like Ryan was still acting boss at this point. A pretty reliable chart made by some guys whose judgement I trust, have Lombardo completely out of the picture by the '70-'72. And there's conflicting reports as to if Lombardo was ever actually boss at any point prior to the 80's, even with the informant testimony. The FBI had Funzi Tieri as boss, but as of Sept, 7, 1972, an informant reported that Lombardo was the present boss at the time. Another informant in October of '72, merely a month later, says Lombardo is just a captain. Another informant reported around a close time frame, that Mike Miranda was sick in Florida and that Funzi Tieri & Lombardo were the top guys in the family with Lombardo calling the shots. At most, we can determine that because of these conflicting reports the ruling panel did exist and was the actual leadership at the time, as it isn't until April of '74 were Tieri was recognized officially as boss with Eli Zeccardi under him. By the late '70s Tieri was sick and under indictment, another ruling panel was installed consisting of Underboss Eli Zeccardi, Dom Alongi & John Ardito. As of November 1980, an informant reports that Tieri is retired and another ruling panel heads the family consisting of Tony Salerno, Lombardo & Chin Gigante. In April of 81, an informant states again that Lombardo is boss with Tony Salerno as underboss & The Chin as consigliere. And that's pretty much it as far as succession goes through informant testimony. I got most of this info from the chart I mentioned earlier.